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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
Posts: 4,318
Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 04-03-2003, 09:38 AM

Hell when I was 10 I knew what my dick was for. I couldn't get it up till I was about 11 1/2. I know a lot of 14-16 year old girls who eat 21-22 year old dick three times a day. These girls are cock sluts, but are fine as hell. I mean Goddamn fine. They look a helluva lot better than 95% of all Juniors and Seniors in my school. Anyway I don't see the big deal in this girl getting pregnant. I used to think it was a shocking matter, but I see some fucked up shit everyday man. There's these two little girls that live in my neighborhood that are about 8-10. Both of them do nothing but talk about how they'd love to suck dick and do all this shit. Granted some older girl babysitting them probably told them what dick sucking was, but it's still pretty sick.

Well, I'm off to school to stare at the cock sluts in the hall.
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