An observation from a nOOb -
04-03-2003, 03:59 PM
If I may, let me take a moment to make an observation.
I have only been playing MOH for about 6 weeks. I play over lunch hours with a group of 6-8 at my place of employment. We played Quake 2 for 2 years and decided it was time to move on. I have been frequenting this forum for several weeks and have found it very helpful for solving problems and also very entertaining. Ydiss in particular has been of immense help on occasion.
One thing I learned, though, is that many of you like to bash the "nOObs" as you like to call those of us that have not been playing the game very long. I think, though, that you ought to instead take a few lessons from the vast majority of nOObs. For the most part we understand that MOH is merely a source of entertainment. Quit trying so hard to boost your ego by cheating to get the maximum number of kills or complaining about those people that don't fit into your style of play and just enjoy the competition.
Take a few moments to relish some of the wonderful maps that are being created by players. Acknowledge the good shot that just flattened you and savor the one that you got off. Don't put so much effort into what the other guy is doing and concentrate on what you're doing. When I play online, I usually finish in the middle of the pack with an occasional venture into the first (or last) place position, but what is consistent about my play is that I have fun every time no matter the map or situation. Who binds what to what key or "land sharking" or whatever cheat or concern you may use or have is nothing compared to the game experience. Cheating and fretting over what the other guy is doing only detracts from the game. Take the beatings with honor and the winning with integrity.
If all you care about at the end of the day is where you finished in the scoring, you will always be the loser.
Just a few thoughts from a "nOOb".
Thanks for my letting me ramble and don't "flame" me too harshly.