01-12-2002, 07:46 AM
see thats why im saying all this, it seems to writen into the constitution that fps have to be ww2 or aliens etc...... these sort of games have been left to the strategy genre but someone should try it onto fps,it will get more people interested into history because more people play fps now witht thses new games coming out like mohaa, battlefield 42 and the new counterstrike game.
Its alomst as if saying that the evnts that happened in the 19th century downwards didnt have much impact, the Napoleonic war is compared to World War 2. someone rises to power from being a soldier becomes leader (emperor) takes his army a conquers europe and north Africa. Then he takes his massive army with not very good winter clothing then invades russia marching on moscow and gets beaten badly, retreats then the russians chase.
the allies including britain,germany,holland,prussia and belgium take back spain, invade france adn then beat the emperor in belgium when he launches his final offensive. now compare that to ww2 and its similar isnt it.
I want to see other games like these in the making, i mean you have mohaa, battlefield 1942... practiacally the sanme game america vs germany... cant people come up with something new.