Thread: Days of yore
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Default 04-04-2003, 04:03 AM

Originally Posted by Hollywood
ED I didn't know you were a fan of mine. You seem to know a lot about me. All this talk about your GOD WintersForge, why doesn't he just come on the AAN server? I am not about to go to the aM server to be shotty whored to death. I use bolt action rifles and WF is used to realism...I hate stock. He knows he can come on any time. I don't care what happend when I wasn't there, he got kicked because they suspected him of cheating. So what? He's not banned. And since when have you ever had an ounce of skill to play this game? Why even argue? Just because you were humiliated on the server and no one likes you, doesn't mean you can be an ass to evryone.

Oh, nice scores Judas, I see you still own no one. biggrin:
Cap'N Cocky, right here!
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