Thread: Days of yore
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Default 04-04-2003, 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by Gerard
Originally Posted by nomar
So Gerard - the guy that made a mod that allowed the M1 to reload in mid clip is complaining about our realism.
Sorry to inform you but the m1 garand CAN be reloaded mid clip in real life. Theres a button at the side of the chamber, thats pressed in pull back the bolt then remove the clip. Obviously this part of the animation wasn't included but never the less it could be reloaded mid clip albeit a bit slower than what i changed it to.
The only reason the stripper clip was included was for balance.

PS: In the goof of pick bleu, Lion-o said on TS "Blue and tog, if you are a going to goof off, tell me and i'll leave!"
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