Thread: Days of yore
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nomar is Offline
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Default 04-04-2003, 02:52 PM

Originally Posted by Gerard
Originally Posted by nomar
Originally Posted by Gerard
Originally Posted by nomar

Gerard - you were banned because of a misunderstanding and were un-banned the next day. Akuma was typing console messages about you from ASE and we thought it was you that somehow had rcon access. You were kicked, banned and then when we worked it out, unbanned. Don't make a big deal out of it.
Pardon me if i sound dumb but i fail to see the connection between me getting 10 kills and getting kicked as opposed to having rcon access. The thing that got me was any time i was racking up any amount of kills i was mystically kicked a few seconds later.

Coincidence? i dunno oOo:
. The messages said something about you owning people. We thought somehow you had rcon and got rid of you.
Haha so lemme get this straight. You see a sniper laying waste to lockjaw and his band of cronies and automatically assume this sniper has gained control of the server. And then im subsequently kicked for messages of "ownage" in the console.

When im playing moh i dont usually start spouting "owned" unless some jackoff is shouting it at me.

You are fucking thick. Like I said - the 2 had NOTHING to do with each other. I didn't know how well you were doing. Console messages about you (it wasn't Gerard - it was another name you were using) were being typed and nobody knew who was typing them. We assumed it was you and kicked you. You were unbanned about 12 hours later. Do I have to draw a fucking picture for you or do you understand now?

Ed - if I had all my old screenshots and the old AAN forums had that post, you would see how you are wrong. Like I said I defended you and was on your side at first. I got pissed at you when you said "I get 3 TKs and I intend to use them all". If you had listened to us and respected our rules all this wouldn't have happened. But again, you continue to be a dick.

I'll just say I invite all of you to play AAN. Use your real names and play by our rules. If you don't like it, you don't have to stay. But don't complain and tell us how this or that is bullshit - it's the way it is and the way we like it.
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