Originally Posted by Gerard
You honestly think the way the bar is in stock or your mod that it could possibly fire 500 rounds per minute? It would be lucky if it got half that.
I don't claim to have the perfect mod, nor the perfect modding ability. However, by the math that was supplied to me to figure the ROF, that's how the mod was rendered. So the BAR and STG both have the math figured at 60/500 which comes to .12. I left it at that and don't really care to try and figure it any differently. If you know of a more accurate way of calculating the way the engine figures the ROF, then I'm all ears. Most comments I got regarding the STG, however, were that of people happy to see it wasn't completely out of control like it was in CKR. I personally would have been happy originally left it similar to CKR if it weren't for that fact.
Pest, you went ahead and made that assumption I mentioned before about how this was about all of you. Sorry you had to be the first and now find yourself agreeing with Ed. No one cares if you're missing out on AAN, but we're not about to take bad mouthing about how we run things when the only experiences come from those who didn't like us to begin with.