Thread: Days of yore
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Captain_McCusker is Offline
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Default 04-04-2003, 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by Gerard
Im quite aware moh isn't all about score but play on 99.9% of the servers and it is all about score. I play dod so im well aware teamwork is needed however in moh it just never seems to happen. If you havn;t got like 50 kills 5 deaths by the end of the round you practically get laughed at which is the reason i dont play moh much.
That's why I tried playing more BF1942, but the lack of teamwork is so incredibly apparent in that game that it's just frustrating to even try. But I agree, there's too much "score" in MOH and I find myself not playing just because of that. My frustration comes at being good, but not scorewise. I get frustrated by dieing too much. Could care less if the numbers are high, but I'd rather stay alive longer then find myself waiting to respawn.
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