Thread: Days of yore
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Default 04-04-2003, 05:04 PM

Hope this is my last post on this topic as well...

Final thoughts on the subject...PEST is right when he says there are far too many reactionary members on AAN. It seems all you have to do is tell the wrong joke, or make the wrong comment, and a group of folks are ready and willing to come down on you. It's not an isolated incident as already you have 3 members of this community with stories about a bad experience they have had, not with the group in general but with a bunch of guys jumping to conclusions. This aint to say this is all done purposely, but you HAVE to look at the situations and at least see that yes - there might be too few short fuses on the LLC and OTD teams.

As far as the crap talking is concerned - it IS done, and I HAVE heard enough of it. So when someone comes at me in a public forum purporting to being something they are NOT...thats when you get the jerky asshole responses from me. The one that sticks out in my mind is the "hack and slash" of Strik0r that went on durin OP CENTER play.

Having said that, you'll never truly emulate the carefree attitude that RUDE"s server had because you have far too many people with the ability to "push the button", and too many short-fused guys exercising that right.

Oh well.
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