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Default 01-12-2002, 11:20 AM are getting all these posts by spouting insane rehtoric....the united states of america didn't win the war,the ALLIES won the war...Yes the usa had and STIL has the most of everything,but without support from MANY nations (including russia,even though they basically refused our aid)the victory would have never been possible.Germany was damn near exhausted in the ways of manpower...YES they had superior technology...and YES all their shit was top-notch.but without the people to fly the planes,shoot the guns,they would have never gotten very far.If yoy hae forgotten the Russians BEAT us to berlin...they were assaulting the city itself and about to get hitler.They paid the biggest price of ANY nation.The usa didn't lose a quarter of what the USSR lost.So to sit there and say that WE won the war is complete know it,you just don't want to admit it.
the Usa is a great nation,I love it grandfathers fought in father and uncles were in various conflicts from Korea to desert storm...I am a patriot as big as anyone....but I am not as Blind as you,because I have ACKNOWLEGED the contribution of EVERY nation for their efforts and I KNOW without them world war two Would have been drawn out a helluva lot longer than it was.....

And hitler was more obsessed with capturing the United Kingdom that he neglected the easter front...and as someone once said "He who fights a war on two fronts is doomed to failure"
The ONLY reason we did it was because we were able to focus our efforts in the pacific
and the ONLY reason we were able to do HTIS was because we had so much support in europe.
the Usa did not lose near about as many people as the European countries the estimated dead from world war 2 are 61 million people killed (civilian and military)
and the USA lost about a half-million before you go INSULTING our Foreign Board members....think about what you cost them more.....and you are just pissing people off.