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Default 04-05-2003, 04:19 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by LoneGunner87
Ya good threads have gone to waist since stupid users have been changing the subject and spamming them and joe has to lock them(im not blaming u) its their fault for changing the subject and its joe's job to take care of it thats why we lose threads so easily is becuase people change the subject and it creates spam.
*/me makes cock-sucking noise*
and right here is one of the main ofenders. hes allowed to post this kinda crap over and over without anyone saying a word about it. he breaks every rule of this form yet hes allowed to continue. WHY...if people like this were delt with this place might be a forum we all can enjoy. you talk about the rules. heres the worst of the worst..DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.