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BASIC: NEW MOVIE...Watch if you want to get pissed...
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Default BASIC: NEW MOVIE...Watch if you want to get pissed... - 04-06-2003, 06:20 AM

Ok - so I'm reading the review for "BASIC" which is a new movie starring John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson, and the reviewer is Roger Ebert. In it he says the movie is well acted, and well lighted, great mood and all that shit. He also says the movie is VERY frustrating, and that you hardly know whats going on, and the end will have you wanting to get your money back.

The fat fuck was right.

Througout the movie - it's fucking good. Really good. There ARE alot of twists and turns, and alot of "who the fuck is lying and who is telling the truth". But while you are watching it all, you ARE waiting for the INEVITABLE end that ties everything together and makes everything make sense. You get it - but in a way that has you sooooo very pissed off that you want to beat the shit out of the director.

Anywho - I'm not going to fuck up the ending to this movie cause even though that IS my style, this movie needs to be seen to believe.
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