Thread: Apocalypse Now
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Default 04-06-2003, 08:38 AM

Simply put as someone stated before, your one side or the other. Hate it or love it.

I'll put it this way. If your looking for an endless movie with the simpliest of plots, that proceeds to be so cluttered by character development, and dialogue, that can at times simply add to the confusion. This is the one for you. If you wish to be further bored by yet more usless character development and exposition, grab the redux version... That dosnt reduce anything.

If your looking for entertainment, something that you can watch and not yawn. Pass on by. This is a dull movie that has rare points of battle that in and of themselves are not that interesting. Consisting of some off the wall character who's only purpose is to confound you more as to there behavior. A surfer crazy air cav colonel, and a drugged out M-79 gunner who shoots by sound are a few examples that spring to mind.

No piece of footage shot before, or since has made less total sense by the ways of a continguas plot than this film. Taking so many side trips i begin to wonder if im watching six movies in one. At some points you begin to think your watching a war film, your then snapped back to reality by a liesurly boat cruise up a river in the middle of butt fucking no-where. While on that 30 minute boat ride, completly 3rd person narrated by the main character, you begin to consider how long it would have taken you to walk up the damn river and shoot the guy yourself.

Now once near the end, you begin to think, why the hell didnt they just bomb this guy since they seem to know where he is? The answer of course, they felt like sending one man, with a rag tag boat crew of assorted backgrounds, up the longest river you've ever seen. All after of course, the first attempt failed.

I've watched this film twice now. I have no desire to punish myself with the redux version. This supposed "masterpiece" is a purpose driven film. The whole purpose being an attempt to make the simplist plot, into a complex film that was a grasp for making a "deep" movie. Completing a 1 hour storiy line in 3 hours by adding unnessisary exposition, and un-godly amounts of character development, is not a piece of art.
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