04-09-2003, 10:37 PM
PC - here is why.
The only argument for Mac over PC has always been a two-pronged attack.
A) Macs are more stable
B) Better for video/music editing
First, the stability issue:
With the coming of XP, and the advancement of Plug-n-Play devices, PCs have become much more stable for the everyday user (one who doesn't run a lot of tweaks). Since XP was released, and I installed it on my computer, the OS has never crashed. I've had to do one system restore from messing up a tweak. My friend's Mac, according to him, locks up regularly when his music editing starts getting intense. Mind you he spent over $6,000 on his system.
Secondly, the video/music editing:
This, contrary to what some people say, was always a Mac strong-point because of the software, not the actual machine. While yes, a Mac does have a 128-bit architecture, as opposed to a 32-bit architecture, the Mac has never really fully harnessed the potential therein, and has and still is held back by other components of the system, such as RAM. However, with the release of software such as Reason for the PC, Macs have dropped yet another rung on the ladder.
Now, throw in the lack of software, support from software publishers, and compatibility issues with peripherals, and you've got yourself one giant pain in the ass.
And let's not forget the problems with modding games oOo:

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008