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Default 04-10-2003, 12:12 AM

Originally Posted by Pest
Then I guess we are just trading a flame for a flame, and you are an easy traget. You really dont want to go toe to toe with the pest. And its bud or guiness, none of that light shit.
Easy target? For what? You're lame excuses for flames? Yeah. What I'm reading is just the same shit I read everytime someone attempts to flame me. Be original and clever.

....Whatever about the drinks, they all taste like a sauce that would coat a piece of shit.

Originally Posted by Pest
Do I look like I need BS or wookie to fight my battles. I would be offended if they tried. And ban you? Why on earth would I want that? Its too much fun watching you get your panties in a wad.
You do look like you need someone to fight your battles....Although, I wouldn't call this a battle. You're just being petty about me flaming you previously. Why don't you just keep it in one thread, rather than starting new arguments about pointless shit in other threads?

I personally don't have anything against you, never did. Our whole 'dispute' is a result of you initially insulting me, and me posting comebacks, and it has elevated from there. I'm a natural flamer, so I just took your comebacks as ammo for further rebuttles, you on the other hand just seem out of place with your intentions, so don't say anything about me getting my 'panties in a wad,' because it seems as though somebody shat in your coffee.....

Originally Posted by Pest
I have said before that spamming doesnt really bother me, I think it is more your lack of style. Strik0r's spam was witty and had style, Joe's was more on the bland but unobtrusive side, yours is just ghey.
Mine is just 'ghey,' to you because you don't like me, and because you're not 'down' with what I'm saying. Old people just don't understand.

....It's not like I give a shit what you think...I'm not trying to prove anything. Just trying to entertain myself....

BTW - Learn UBB Code....Because you totally raped it in that last post.