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BlazinMohaa is Offline
Posts: 84
Join Date: Mar 2003
Default 04-10-2003, 03:03 AM

come on, i've had the game for 3 1/2 months now, i started modding a month or a little more ago..... i'm still learning everything, why do you suspect anything i say relates to being dishonest, i know that cg_3rd person something-er-other will give you 3rd person view, but i had no luck doing that in MP when testing my mods out, why cant you just believe someone who says there not cheating and leave it at that, i have no idea about hex editing and was just curious to see what was in the files i mentioned, you must really suspect everyone out there of being dis-honest if you keep pushing the point on me so much. i'm not dis honest nor have i done anyting to warrent this from you so please don't tell me i'm making myself suspicious. i do understand that you must think "well he has that one cheat so he must have more" but that's not the case, i had a friend who i would always have to be in my map and tell me weither or not the mods worked and that got old quick, so he sent my EE, so i installed that and use it for modding now. you are pretty rude.
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