04-10-2003, 10:24 AM
I was up untill 4am last night messing with the overall map lighting to see if I could infact get another atmosphere into the map. The end results I am happy to say, are perfect.
Me and Bruno decided to make 2 versions of Snowy Park, versus the previous one. First version being of all the pics we have shown you so far, and the second version being totally different.
I went back to the base map model and re-added new and more formal things in, versus the rain and explosions in the other version. This one is going to be more "clean" if you can call it that.
Not much has been done in the way of adding new things to this second version, but here are 2 screenshots I took this morning. The look I am going for is Bahnhof from Spearhead, so it should be interesting. Enjoy and post feedback if you want.