Hello !
I wonder alot actually. Is there any other sites for mohaa than allied assaul or
http://www.mohfiles.com? I also wonder, how you(i) and everyone else can see how your model look(not including force model).
Some of my maps are not working! I´ve reinstalled 3 times and i dont know what to do anymore.
Those who work show a emty space that are filling in with more and more red.
Those who DON`T work show 7 big blue letter showing: LOADING
I dont wteally know if it depends on that i have mac
I cant find mods for wy weapons either

Not any wreally god ones for snipers and mauser rifle... i want my weapons very used and realistic and maybe some "scars"(good looking) on them.
I´ve asked questions before and i´m glad there are some nice guys helping me out there!