04-11-2003, 01:02 PM
Personally, I would NEVER hesitate to grab the money, as there are simply
too many ways to convert it to real funds:
- bars,
- small convenience stores (all around your location - be creative)
- want to laugh? MONEY MARTS and WESTERN UNIONS!
Bars are the easiest. Well, places with dimmed or non-existent lighting are
the best places to make the conversion for a simple reason: all they rely on
is the texture and black light test of the bill. It passes those ? Bingo! Your
1.25$ drink (plus .75 cent tip) just made that money legal. You can easily
convert up to 350$ alone in one night - more if working with an other.
Money Marts and W.U.'s are very easy places to convert your funds so long
as you can play with the clerk's mind. Houdini said it best: re-direct attention
elsewhere while performing the operation. For best results, you could add in
one or two real bills to completely throw them off. It, errr, helps when you look
like a nice person!
Convenience stores are "convenient" because most of the time, so long as
you present the bill a certain way (to "present" their authenticity), folded in
a certain manner, you will never have any issues. Buy gum, ravioli, whatever.
There are too many possibilities to simply dismiss an opportunity like this.
If it comes along, I'm grabbin' my share! biggrin: