04-12-2003, 06:59 AM
I am not a camping sniper so I don't have any particular spots, I am always on the move.
Areas I do best in on Crossroads, for instance, would be on the opposite end to the bridge, opposite the church. You can control that whole side of the map in TDM/DM games as a sniper if you keep moving.
In Algiers the best area would be the area with the long ramp and the town hall. Yet again keeping moving is better than staying still.
DV I feel the safest place is alongise the tank, with the plank, holding both sides, ocasionally moving to the opposite corner with the stairs leading up to it, the one that overlooks the area in front of the church.
Algiers, the best sniping spot would be at the cart.
In South France there are no sniper spots besides the bushes. Best way to snipe in that map is to keep moving and use cover. You need good reflexes to pop players as they come around corners on this map.