04-12-2003, 11:27 AM
when i replace the thompson with it, his right hand was about half a ft infront of the gun. if i could then id make a new first person anim with his hands nearer, but then all the anims, reload etc would need to be changed
it was about 2am when i was looking at the 1st person anim files, so it was hard to even read the stuff. ill try it again today, and see if i can get it to overwrite the thompson. if it does, then the uzi will replace both SMGs, and i can have a socom and M92f to replace the pistols. then the S80 can replace the rifle, and all the weapons would be replaced better than if the uzi had to replace the pistols. if i cant get it work, the uzi will have to be sem-auti, but still have a 30round mag. i cant get the pistol to fire full auto. saved the thompson tik, but loading the uzi files as colt45.tik, and then the weapon just doesnt fire at all.
i should have it working by tonight tho, either as a pistol or SMG