04-12-2003, 12:16 PM
ON DV I like the back cornor of the church lots of cover and gives you room so no one comes up on ya unexpected like.
Remegan I love this map no matter what Im playing with but as a sniper the arch is my favorite for allies or axis.
Algiers its the alley all the way but you need to react fast.
French Village the only place thats is good is at tjhe arch with the boxes. This works best with 2 snipers. One to cover the bridge and one ot cover the stairs. Very effective I always have a High kill to death ratio using the buddy system this way.
Crossroads/Bridge - this maps owns my ass I suck major on it. Ihate it like most people hate Snowy Park, So camp the 2nd floor of the Hotel and kill snipers/Sniper Hunters. Dont get a High kill rate though.