04-12-2003, 05:42 PM
in Destroyed Village my Favourite place is in the rubble at the back of the church if you position yourself right you can cover both sides of the church which is very effective.
Algiers, this one is kind of complicated to explain, i either get into the tree below the roof so i can cover the checkered room, i mean the tree not the bushes oOo: and i also get into the right hand side bushes of the town hall and stand up that way i can cover the north alley and the little path to the side of the courtyard.
France, i use the box method or run around like a headless chicken.
Remagen, i either use the garden so i can cover the alley, or cover the cart, or i use the boxes at the back of the axis side, if im allies i climb onto the chair inside the allied house and cover the alley, or i hide behind the balcony wall so i dont stand out as much.
Crossroads, i either get onto the church roof, use the top floor of the hotel and if i am allies i get into the bushes where the mines are located.
Stalingrad, i either get behind the sandbags and lean to the side so i am only showing my head, or i stand at the top of the spiral stairs, and face the wooden stairs to see if anyone is coming towards the plank, or if in a server full of 20+ people i get between the barrels in the boiler room, hardly anyone looks there.
Snowy Park, i climb the ladders and jump onto the rail so that when people look up, its harder for them to see and shoot you.