04-12-2003, 09:59 PM
BIased people... i swear, all you, for the most part is say MAC's suck and where do you get this? where is the proof? the only reason you say this is because you have used windows all of your fucking life!!! if you take the average person who hasnt used a computer before in their life, they will prefer, 100% guarantee, the MAC. ONe reason being is that macs are easier to use. MAC's are UNIX based OS, one of the most, if not the most, complex systems to use! Apple, took that system and made it the easiest in the world to use. MAC's were also the first, Quality over quanity, thus the Ghz battles, (macs won) if you take a dual 1ghz pc against a dual 1ghz MAc and run... oh say Maya, the mac will win, thus the "macs are better for video-ing and stuff debate". PC's, if you have the game argument, will get you abso-fuckin-lutely NOWHERE in life, dont waste your money on a gaming machine, they will NOT, i repeat, will NOT, get you anywhere in life. MAC's on the other hand WILL, because they can do useful things, video/music stuff. SO, if you are young and dont have a career, go for the PC, it will be better for that part of your life. But when you get a career (most modern ones) buy the mac and use it for your job. if you have any questions cruise around the Apple site and check out stuff. [url:c35d8]http://www.apple.com[/url:c35d8] And be sure to look at the Apple-Switch stuff! eatthis: