Thread: Farewell
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Re: Farewell
[DAS REICH] Blitz is Offline
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Default Re: Farewell - 04-12-2003, 11:21 PM

Originally Posted by HalfTwizzted
Man i got to say this before i get banned:
i'm probably considered a n00b cuz i just joined last month, but i joined to learn stuff about mohaa and to meet people who shared common interests, so i didn't think it was right to call me a fucking idiot for asking a n00b question (which by the way i am). thats why i think gerard is an ass, locking a forum before i got an answer, shit, i would have been fine being flamed by tripper (who supposedly got banned) or innox, but gerard had to be an ass so i stood up and said no! you can push these other pussies around but not me, I'm in USA so i'm taking the first (amendment) Freedom Of Speech, Press ect. so if i get banned for voicing my opinion and saying no to a mod then go ahead. i don't care, if it makes you feel big then ban my ass and i'll never look back. i'll keep building my computers and keep chilin with my gurl and i wont give it a second thought. but i'm not one to get pushed around ON THE INTERNET BY A FUCKING DUDE FROM IRELAND!
Ban me lock this delete me whatever

goodbye fellow n00b!may the force be with u cry:

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