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Re: Want Someone Banned? - Post Here
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Default Re: Want Someone Banned? - Post Here - 04-13-2003, 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by Noctis
Since apparently anyone who has a complaint lodged against them by people like LoneGunner will be banned, I just wanted to start a thread where people can list their complaints to mods publicly, rather than crying behind backs in PMs.

My personal first complaint is about Old Reliable. He is spammy, and incites flames, and is much less funny than.. oh, everyone else who was banned.
LOL - OLD posts SPAM?

Yea ok.

If we're going off these two pre-requisites, than there will be noone left on this board. Deal with your PERSONAL OPINIONATED dislike of someone in PM's instead of trying to drag this kind of stuff out in the public. "Complaining" to a mod in PM's isn't some behind the back bs, its the way it SHOULD be done.

Christ...we're you JUST going to post MOD updates?