Originally Posted by Noctis
Like I said, ED, you have once again missed the point.
Not only was that thread a bad example, since it was a joke between Wookie and I, you've missed the point of this thread entirely (much like everyone), because you aren't involved in the situation from which one could derive the actual meaning of this thread, which is nonliteral.
So shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down, and stay the fuck banned.
Ahhhh - yes, go whine to BS or whoever that I'm mean to poor old Noctis cause I dont think your even remotely funny, I think you spam about as much as you complain others do, and you're not a very good mod. At all.
As soon as BS Ip-Bans me old buddy then I'll stay banned...until then...
(see I can be un-funny too).
I'll go ahead and echo the comments made earlier that under your rules NOCTIS, YOU should be banned, or at the very least removed as a mod.