04-14-2003, 08:26 AM
I think that the "realism" mod is stupid. They take down the power of the shotgun because they suck at the overall game. Why cant they just be happy with it. Shotty's have more of a disadvantage because they have to get close up. It is realistic like that. Then you take away the power and it makes the game crap to use the shotty. Why not just leave it? Its because the guy running the server sucks and gets killed alot by shot guns. But when they kill a person with the sniper or the rocket launcher. Taking power away from the shot gun isnt realistic. It makes it non-realistic but they say it has the "realism patch" Why do this to the game. I was a really good sniper. Then I didnt play for about a year and I started playing again. I used the shotgun and got good with it. Then every server I go into has the patch or mod thing on. So now I have to use the machine gun. Just tell me what the point of that was? It was to stop people from killing anyone with the shotgun. I can kill a person with the sniper rifle at a close distance before I can kill a person with the shotgun at close distance. Thats just pathetic.