01-14-2002, 07:42 AM
Hello All,
This is definitly a tough issue any way you look at it. But despite that, here are my .02 on the topic. Without a doubt, most of the people that post in this forum are fans of videogames. And most fans have at some point, stepped back from playing a favorite game and said to themselves 'wow, this is so much fun!'.
Now, the question you have to ask yourself is: How much is that feeling worth to me in dollars? I know it is easy to d/l the ISO if you know where to look, but is it worth it?
My personal opinion (for whatever THAT is worth) is that as long as you are fully willing and able to buy the full version, and you are aware of the potential danger of warezing a game, then go ahead and play the ISO until the real game comes out.
My situation is this: I have pre-ordered the game since I played the SP demo. I have also played the full version a bit, and all it did was make me happy that I pre-ordered it.
Game developers and publishers should spend less time trying to scare gamers with information sharing rumors, and more time trying not to let the games leak before launch.
For me, the 44.95 I paid for Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, is well worth the feeling I get from playing it. Just me though.
[This message has been edited by rossonline (edited January 14, 2002).]