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Pugilist is Offline
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Location: Brooklyn, USA
Default 01-14-2002, 08:51 AM

Ok Killorlive, first of all your name makes no sense and is idiotic
2. I could care less what some little shit like you thinks of my sig.
3. I am 28 yrs old and could care less if you believe I am a cop.
4. Your comment about Earthlink does not release info a load of crap. If someone emailed a person threatening to plant a bomb or harm someone, Earthlink wuold be coughing up that persons info REAL fast. You obviously got so defensive because your PC must be a wasteland of illegal software.
5. A trojan is a backdoor into your pc where someone can gain control over your pc. This code simply sends them back your IP address and possibly a little more. EVERYTIME you visit a webpage they can get a log of your address and IP you moronic imbecile.
Get back to school, you need it.
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