04-15-2003, 08:12 AM
I personally like and use [url=http://members.home.nl/tiwaz/User_Kleen-Screen_3.2_sh_small_compass.pk3:55da2]this[/url:55da2] mod.
- slow server sign
- talking avatars (spearhead); I find these annoying; you want to type? Stand with your face against the wall and I will not shoot you. If not...who is typing in the middle of a battle? Kill them.
- bullets
- Flak 88/AA Gun/etc. picture
- compass
- screen fonts
- weapons bar
- health bar
Note: This is a modified version of a mod that was posted some time ago on this forum. I modified some minor things (e.g. compass). All the credit should go to the maker of this mod. Forgot his name though.