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Default 04-15-2003, 01:13 PM

yeah that's the one i used to use, but i like to get rid of useless stuff on my screen. For example, why would you need a healthbar and the word health, when all you need to know is the number. And, you don't need the name of the gun, I'm pretty sure we all know that. All you really need on the compass is the two ball bearings so you know where your teamates are, the other part of the compass just shows direction, which you really don't need. And a kill counter would just be nice to have so you don't have to hold tab down to check how you are doing. And, I don't undertsand why you have to have the avatar symbol right next to your health. The thing is useless, but I know that the onyl way you can get rid of it is to get rid of the avatars above your enemies heads. Which I don't mind because I can pretty much tell by the skins who are allies and who are axis.

The reason why I want to move the health number and ammo number to the middle bottom of the screen is so they look like they are on the guy's arm. That way they are out of the way of your field of vision.

Is anyone having any luck on finding or making a mod like this?
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