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Default 04-16-2003, 12:03 PM

I wouldnt want to have sex with her until she was 16, i am simply on about dating her, someone to go to the movies with, have a mcdonalds. i know im 20 but i still love doing all that shit.

and why ask the forums?? well look at the responce its got cool:

still thanking you for all the advice. keep it coming.

im not gonna flip a coin and decide. if she calls me again, ill find out her birthday etc.

she doesnt love with her parents. and i really would not want to get her pregnant at any age justnow. After my ex dumped me, i really cant stand babies. breathing stupidly when theyre feeding, helpless little things, and i felt like i was gonna break him whenever i held him. made me realise i was definatly not ready for kids.
like i said, i like to go to movies and eat mcdonalds, not plan everything around baby feeding times.
Her using me for support through her pregancy is probably the ebst to happen to me. made me realise at my young age, babies are annoying and not for me.

so like i say, ill wait for a call. if theres no call, its no loss, if she does call. i think maccy d's will be in order.

but keep talking, this thread is cool.
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