Originally Posted by Schalldampfer
"yeah I view potheads as the scum of the earth"
Wow, see I tend to view people like rapists and pedophiles as "the scum of the earth." I dont see why some people feel the need to hate people who smoke weed, we arent hurting anyone besides ourselves and I havent heard of any serious crime coming out of smoking, unless you count eating excessive amounts of food as a crime. Honestly Old, that statement makes you look like a complete idiot.
YOU are a complete idiot. People that get "buzzes" from weed do stuff that they wouldn't normally do. I don't want to say it's comparable to being drunk, because it's not from what i hear.
[quote:1a439]March 29, 2002
To: Prevention and Law Enforcement
Marijuana and Cardiovascular death in young adults
An Associated Press story in March of 2000, reported on the findings of Dr. Murray Mittleman of the Harvard School of Public Health and Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center that smoking "Marijuana Raises Heart Risks." The study on which this was based was also published in July of 2001 in the medical journal Circulation Magazine and reported by ABCNews.com as "Pot Boosts Heart Attack Risk." The proponents of pot smoking and medical excuse marijuana were not happy. They demanded to know who asked for the study, who funded the study, and insisted that the methodology was flawed and that the researcher was biased.
Now, a report in Forensic Science International, by researchers Bachs & Mørland, of the National Institute of Forensic Toxicology in Oslo, Norway, report on six cases of "cardiovascular death in young adults" where THC and no other drugs, were reported in postmortem blood samples. Although only these six cases are detailed in the report, the authors reference several other cases of cardiovascular incidents related to cannabis use.
None of the research done on cannabis to date has shown it to be benign. It should be noted that autopsies are not always done following death, and that because of patient confidentiality laws deaths caused by illicit substances are typically not made public. Therefore, it is likely that there have been far more cardiovascular deaths caused by marijuana than have been reported to date. With these data, acute cardiac deaths from marijuana can not longer be denied.
I know that you can find many websites, documents, etc on the good parts of weed. I don't care how good they are if they cause a slight lethargic response/buzz that makes you act unnormally. If the use of weed causes deaths indirectly, then i hate it. END OF STORY. You won't change my mind on it....i just do not like weed. According to law (US) it is illegal and i will abide by the law-even if i do think it is unjust (most circumstances)