Thread: 420
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Schalldampfer is Offline
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Default 04-16-2003, 07:53 PM

I respect your opinion Garry, at least you gave reasons for hating it. Being "high" is not comparable to being drunk in any way, shape, or form. I nor have any of my friends done things they normally wouldnt do while under the influence of marijuana, unlike when people get hammered. Dont believe the DARE and Anti Drug bullshit commercials, they dont show realistic situations at all. If I smoke a bowl or something I'm not going to try to rape a girl at a party or shoot my friend.

BTW thanks for the article but I am already well aware of the risks of using marijuana. I could produce a similar article showing the negative effects of using alcohol and tobacco products but in that case it doesnt really matter because those substances are legal yet do just as much damage if not more to our society. If you are going to have marijuana illegal then outlaw those drugs as well. Then again that would never happen givin the fact tobacco and alcohol corporations have huge influence in Washington and have many politicians in their pockets.

@Old- I do not rely upon or abuse any drugs, I do them occasionally and can quit at any time I please. In fact I havent smoked for at least a week and do not feel the need to go smoke. I would like to but I'm not "feening" out to do it.
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