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Default 04-16-2003, 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by Schalldampfer

BTW thanks for the article but I am already well aware of the risks of using marijuana. I could produce a similar article showing the negative effects of using alcohol and tobacco products but in that case it doesnt really matter because those substances are legal yet do just as much damage if not more to our society.
well, thanks for listening....most people don't listen to my response. I thank you for that. In refrence to cigarrettes and alcohol, i am against those too. I'm not saying this just to sound like a goodie-gooide. I believe that those uses are basically self-destruction not only on the physical aspect but the social--family members and friends. I also stated that yes, there WILL be countless articles on the positive effects on the body. Tobacco and alcohol go in the same idea--there are more deaths from alcohol and tobacco-related activities or what have you.

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