04-16-2003, 08:25 PM
Its ironic for me to hate drug users, as i myself have sadly experimented.
We had a pretty messed up night on LSD once, we mixed it in ith some yoghurt we were eating. it did nothing so we added more and more, then it hit us at once.
We were happy as hell, but then my friend got into a bad fight with some guy, my friend kicked him and the guy fell to the ground. then my friend started running away screaming at me to get it away from him.
I was like, what the hell you on about?
He said the guys head fell off when he kicked him and was chasing after him.
it was seriously messed up and freaky. we havent touched a thing after that.
I was 17 at the time. now when i see kids like 13, smoking weed as its "cool". i hake: my head. (and hope it doesnt fall off and chase me)
Drugs like that are bad. period.
only time i would think it was ok was if it was a pensioner smoking canabise to ease the pain in their bones. .
but kids - they have no excuse. i had no excuse. i thought it was "cool" but looking back just three years i realise how dumb it is.