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Default 04-17-2003, 12:01 AM

Tough gig, I just quite smoking dope after 15 years and its been tough. I have done just about everydrug imaginable, but dope really got a hold of me. I think that if you find your self abusing and depending on it and any substance, then you gotta stop. I took me a long to figure that out. I miss it, but I am a lot sharper menatlly and I dont have the mood swings like I used to.

I don't agree that Marijuana is a gateway drug, I think if you are O/C (obsessive/compulsive) or have and addictive personality your gonna use whatever, be it Alcohol, food, marjuana, tobacco, coffee, etc... I just think that if you are around the people who deal with illegal drugs it makes it easier to get other shit.

All i can say is I have several friends and acquintances that have died or gone to prison over drugs and its a shame their lives ended this way. I am glad I woke up to this before I went down that road.
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