01-13-2002, 03:52 AM
Its called respect.....Those guys have developed a great game and "Deserve" the 50 or 60 bucks it costs to purchase it.
If all you warez people go out and buy the game when it comes out then I say No foul.
If however you keep the illegal copy you have, you're an Idiot.
I like free stuff as much as anyone but I do have some respect for myself. I would never be able to live down stealing a product such as MOHAA.
If you do have an Illigal copy of MOHAA why the fuck do you come here to brag about it?
No one cares. Most of us have real jobs and can afford to buy the game when it comes out.
I for one would like to see official add-ons to this game. If People insist on stealing software they may think twice about further supporting this product.
test out.