04-18-2003, 01:39 PM
Then again, they didn't have compasses in WW2 that told you where allies were, did they? And they didn't have the opportunity to "respawn" if you were blown to smithereens? How bout this: Dropping about 10 people into a closed off area, giving them guns, and telling them that for some odd reason, they only have exactly 5 minutes to kill each other, and any longer will somehow result in trying again? Come to think of it, most of MOH isn't very logical either, so why can't we just have our fun? You don't have to download it if you don't want to, but what about those of us that do want to try it? I don't think I should be denied the ability to get this gun just because a couple people don't want it. Spiers, choice is yours here, but know this: There are people who appreciate what you're doing and would love to see the finished product, biggrin: