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Default 04-18-2003, 02:41 PM

i am very happy yo know that people are looking foreward to this mod. ok i know that ltmar it is a game for ww2 but its getting boring isnt it. its up to the modding community to lets say enhance the game to the extreme biggrin: . this is only sort of a demo of what is to come from us eventually we will be trying to make a MODERN map with all of the modern weapons in place of the ww2 ones and they would only be avalible in that level although its only in the planning stage. im positive it will work but dont get your hopes up. as for the release we keep running nto problems and yes, yes i have a life outside my computer and ive been really busy with school and some of our time zones are way off from each others lol

have a good..............good friday and easter monday.