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InsaneGamerz is Offline
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Posts: 4
Join Date: Aug 2002
Default 04-19-2003, 07:36 PM

"Start by making a copy of your MOHAA game shortcut.
Right-click the shortcut and go into it’s PROPERTIES.
Then add the proper variables into the TARGET: box ( or command line) AFTER and OUTSIDE of the quotes that surround your PATH (this is important !). Also be sure to have a space BEFORE the first variable after the quotes, and at the end of each following variable."

What in the hell does the underlined part mean. Also....

"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA\MOHAA.exe" +set dedicated 1 +set ui_console 1 +set g_gametype 3 +set sv_maxclients 12 +map dm/mohdm1 +exec serverXX.cfg

My comp can never detect the underlined part... Are there supposed to be numbers instead of the 2 X's or what? If so, what numbers am I supposed to put in plzce of the X's???
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