04-20-2003, 01:09 PM
No no no... I can rejoin the game almost instantly after I get disconnected, I type "reconnect" in the console, and it sends me right back in, and it will be the same map it was on when I was kicked. Besides, I have alllll the maps and mods unzipped and either in my main folder, or in a folder where I store stuff until I want to put it in my main folder (and no, I don't have any of the maps in that folder oOo: ) I will be "kicked," and I sometimes walk over to my brother's computer to see if they kicked me or if the map changed or what not, and his screen shows the same map, and nothing about me being kicked in the console. It just has me "lagged out" with a ping of 999 and my character running in place where I last was before it gave me the boot. And I know it isn't a ping/lag issue, because it happens in almost every server I join, and it still happens if I have a ping of 50 in a server. And about switching routers, I really hope that isn't neccessary. I already did have to switch routers once, because I couldn't play my PS2 online with my old one. We tried the port forwarding, but that didn't solve the problem. So we bought a Linksys, and the PS2 worked perfectly from the start. If I have to buy a new router I'm going to be royally pissed mad: