04-20-2003, 05:00 PM
Ow sorry guys baout all this! cry: I have been at a war place in the north hills for the last two days and have just came on here to see how you all are. I have just seen im now sgt! I was freeking out when i saw this but i discoverd some one had been coming onto my account ed: After a few minutes i found out who had done it from some friends. My brother(jamie) and been hacking onto my msn account. He had been talking to my friends and just loves to say "he can hack" hake: hake: Then i thought well i do get email's saying about people who have replied to a topic and things so i guessed he must have repleid on that. It logs me automatically in each time when this has happend.
I would like to say sorry for the things he has done or mite have done. I know you probily dont beleave me but this is the truth.
cry: I really am sorry!