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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-14-2002, 01:24 AM

Not to whine too much, but I think 2 or 3 of the German start points should be placed back a bit on the MP map The Hunt.

The Germans have too easy of a time reaching the main city first and spamming the start point with Grenades. The Allies are caught up in the choke point and can lose 1 to 6 or more players each time.

I think it's fair if the Allies have a little more time to get to at least the right-hand side of the blown out buildings to take positions.

I use this tactic myself as German, if I start out in 3 of the spots close to town. I just run up the main city, unload a grenade at the Allied entrance area, send another one, then run into the first building, then throw a few more out the door, easily taking out 5 or 6 Allies. You can also throw one, then run into the second right building and spam from the blown-opening.

The Allies can't stay back, since the Germans can just send more Grenades down the road.

I played on the Allied side earlier and had a difficult time defeating the spam - usually tried throwing a grenade or two when I reached the city and ran into the first building, though a spammer could throw one through a window there.

I know some mods try to reduce grenade spam by cutting grenade counts, but that doesn't eliminate the German advantage, since the first 2 grenades can whipe out half of an Allied group.

Just interesting in play-balancing, thanks.
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