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Default 04-21-2003, 12:39 AM

[quote="redhawk_six":e4887][quote="Dr. Deleto":e4887]surprise surprise. now who was right about "Demonic Studios" after all? As I previously stated, trust is something you earn, and the only thing "Demonic Studios" has eanred is a reputation for not releasing ANYTHING.[/quote:e4887]


You want your group to be trusted and respected, Spiers, than do something to earn it. Hate to break it to you, but you can't always have things handed to you on a sivler plater. Not releasing a mod just because one person, on the fucking INTERNET, said one little not so nice thing about you isn't going to help people to respect and trust you. So one person on the Internet doesn't like you, get over it and release the fucking mod.

(as you can probably tell, my pateints for all this stupid, childish internet drama, and other people in general is getting very thin, I apoligize if I say anything offensive)[/quote:e4887]

y must i be hastled cry: lol i try and try and cant make anyone happy i knew posting it was a mistake. but now its lokced anyway cause of a gauv and guarnere arguement. and im glad it is but with the 1000 and something views it got i wont be let down easy for saying "im not releasing it" so you saw earlier that the guys hand seems to be going through the handel on it oOo: and as soon as that is fixed wich i assume will be soon but you know how bad my assumptions are hake: soon we will release the M4 to the public. i realized that the public comes 1st and they deserve the mod for my lets say....stupidity oOo: and i guess perenthisis is making a tutprial also on getting ther models in game.

sorry guys..........once again
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