Thread: Best Snipers?
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Default 04-21-2003, 06:31 AM

Gerard, do you use ASE to browse games?

If you do, and it's registered, I'll send you my filter script. It basically filters out all Realism servers. Very useful (my mate did it, it's about 95% effective - only a few obscure mods slip through).

If you use Gayspy or aren't registered with ASE though I can't help you

This is for MoH:AA of course and not SH.

As for your comment... I tend to agree, although I know a good few servers out there that aren't realism (using the filter makes it a lot easier, though).

There are two servers with only sniper rifles enabled. You'll see a lot more better snipers on that server because a lot of them go there. The others all play on clan servers but I avoid them because I don't see the point in playing a whole clan using TS or RW.
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