Originally Posted by Ydiss
Hmm, weird. I can't really help you then, sadly.
If you like though I can list a good few decent non realism servers and send you it in text format so you can add them to a favs folder maybe.
It's been a while since I played on a US server cos I like my ping low. I imagine if I did see a class-act sniper on a US server that it'd not be worth the time to play cos a good sniper with 30 ping will always have the edge over one with 100-150 ping.
In my long experience of online FPSs single shot precision weapons are only truly fun when you have a decent frame rate and connetion. Otherwise it's just masochistic, unless you're playing noobs.
Depends i guess, i just like the challenge of playing people that are pinging a lot better than me. Makes you more or less have to make your first shot count.
Generally i play on the boro sniper server, though lately all i can see playing on it is hacking faggots sniping through dark windows, when you confront them about it all you get is "bs i didn't do that" and the so called admins do diddily shit either when it comes to hackers playing on the server.
An ex team god player "laxplaya" plays there a lot and these other wankers with the tag [kittens] who do nothing but scope people before they come round corners and enjoy firing through darkened windows.
Thas probably my best score on the boro server, not bad considering half the other team were either landsharking like retards or shooting through the dark windows. oOo:
Only problem is when u do things like this
It invariably leads to this.