Originally Posted by Ydiss
I don't mind the challenge so much, but I don't see the point in making my game jerkier just to make it harder. Some of the players I play against on German and UK servers are very good.
I mean, after having to put up with laggy online gaming for 3 years (Half-Life DM on an AMD K6 350mhz) and then having to put up with jerky MoH for a year (Duron 700Mhz), now I finally paid out the dosh to build a fast enough PC to handle MoH without going into the red, I think I'd like to avoid laggy games for a while
Sadly, you'll always get the cheat accusation thing no matter where you go, though.
Quite a few times recently, however, I have gotten a "full house" (ie 5 kills with 5 shots) and not actually been accused at all. In fact I did this last night and the whole server was very quiet.
It's normally on the quieter servers (less than 10 players) that I get accused of hacking. Normally because I use my ears better than they do.
Good experience and and a sharp ear (with headphones) is just as good as any wall-hack, in my experience.
If I were hacking then it'd be even worse for them biggrin:
Yeah if im playing 1-1 sniping games then i usually track by sound. Harder to do when the server has like 16 people or so in it, then its just a matter of keeping your eyes open.