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Default 04-21-2003, 09:42 AM

i only got the internet last august, and i used to make SP maps then, so i spent ages playing thru the SP levels, and i found out loads of tips and stuff just from looking at them, like how to make good rubble and roofs etc. ive made probably about 20 maps so far, even tho none have been released. i start a map, but then if somethings not good or i dont like how its turned out i just leave it and start another. maybe ill finished some one day tho, so i know almost every texture in the game now, and what folder its in from hours spent searching for them, and the search box is useful for finding all the brick, concrete, wood etc textures. i just type a word, and then pick the best one that comes up. also, i base most of the stuff in my maps on real places. ive been to france and belgium before, so i know what the places there look like, and theyre not that different from britain, so its easy to come up with stuff. SS Manor was based on sherbourne house on the isle of wight where ive been before, so it was easy to come up with that, in just 2 weeks.

i might make another map set in england, i was gonna make westminster, but that would take ages to do, with all the detail inside and on the walls.
this map is too small to be TOW, and theres no room to put anything else in. theres cliffs around the edge that take up a lot of space, and i need to keep half the map free for the sea so it doesnt just end

anyway, the final compile should be complete by today, ill go and take some more screenshots from the first full compile [done by Kalti] and post them on here. i should be emailing it out tomorrow or wednesday
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